Duality English Springer Spaniels

Family, Form, and Function Combined.

“We strive to produce a dog whose function is aided by his structure, with an eye toward the future and a true dual purpose English Springer Spaniel with the temperament we expect of a gentleman’s (or gentlewoman’s) gundog.”



About us:

Located in Minnesota, we strive to breed dogs who are sound in body and mind for companionship, hunting, and dabbling or excelling in whatever sport or activity their people might pursue. Our puppy homes become a part of an extended family and we are here for a lifetime of support. Our hope is to produce dogs who are easy to live with and easy to love who are up for anything and place them in homes that are as committed to their health, happiness, and well-being as we are.


Growing up with dogs, the love of my life was a Springer/Brittany mix we named Kirby (after Kirby Puckett of course), and when he and my grandma both passed away in 2011 I had decided I wanted to do some performance with a dog, and that it had to be a Springer. In 2012, I got my first English Springer Spaniel and, with each year, have learned more and fallen more in love with the breed. I currently share my home with five springers, and my life with a sixth who is my dad’s beloved pet and hunting dog. I’ve dabbled with varying success in various dog sports, including dock diving, hunt tests, field trials, agility, obedience, rally, and scent work.

Puppies are raised in an enriching environment and with a start to potty training. We tailor the teachings of Avidog and Puppy Culture to the needs of our program and puppies, which helps the puppies to become bold and brilliant dogs with a great foundation in many behaviors and experiences.

If you are interested in my breeding program I invite you to view our puppies page for additional information and to contact me with any questions you may have and I will be happy to answer at my earliest convenience.

Contact Us

If you are interested in any of our future breeding plans, please fill out the form below and we will respond as soon as we can.